Agriculture Exhibits
The S.C. State Fair’s roots are in agriculture.
Field crops such as corn, cotton, soybeans, peanuts, tobacco and wheat are grown on more than 1.3 million acres each year in South Carolina.
South Carolina residents annually compete for bragging rights and a blue ribbon with their home-grown produce, including apples, home garden wagons, large pumpkins and watermelons, Christmas trees, a shoe garden, sugar cane, sweet potatoes and more.
On Exhibit Dates: Oct. 9 – 20
Location: Ellison Building

Scarecrow Decorating Contest
The S. C. State Fair needs scarecrows to protect the fruits and veggies in the Ellison Building during fair.
Each year, family teams register to participate before the fair begins. The first five are chosen. On the day of the contest, families bring their creative ideas. The five teams are given one hour to construct their scarecrow and the agriculture staff votes on the winner.
Come watch the families decorate in person on Oct. 12th at 2 p.m. OR just drop by when you are on the fairgrounds to check out the results. All the fun is happening in the Ellison Building.

Beef Cattle
Open and Junior Beef Cattle Shows are comprised of the following breeds: Angus, Charolais, Crossbred, Hereford, Gelbvieh/Balancer, Mini- Zebu, Red Angus, Santa Gertrudis, Shorthorn, Sim Angus, Simmental, and Zebu-Based breeds.
Show Dates: Oct. 17-19
Location: Nutt Cattle Arena
The SC Farm Bureau Federation awards two $2,500 scholarships annually.

Dairy Cattle
Open and Junior Dairy Cattle Shows are comprised of the following breeds: Ayrshire, Brown Swiss, Guernsey, Holstein, and Jersey.
Show Dates: Oct. 11-13
Location: Nutt Cattle Arena
The SC Farm Bureau Federation awards one $2,000 scholarship annually.

Dairy Goat
Junior Doe and Senior Doe Dairy Goat Shows are comprised of the following breeds: Alpine, LaMancha, Nigerian Dwarf, Nubian, Oberhasli, Recorded Grade, Saanen, Toggenburg.
Show Dates: Oct. 19-20
Location: Swine, Sheep & Goat Barn

Junior Commercial Ewes
The Junior Market Goat Shows are judged by the following divisions: Wether Does, Wethers, and Showmanship.
Show Date: Oct. 18
Location: Swine/Sheep/Goat Arena

Junior Market Goats
The Junior Market Goat Shows are judged by the following divisions: Wether Does, Wethers, and Showmanship.
Show Date: Oct. 18
Location: Swine/Sheep/Goat Arena
The SC Farm Bureau Federation awards one $1,000 scholarship annually.

Junior Market Lambs
The Junior Market Lamb Shows are judged by the following divisions: Ewes, Wethers, and Showmanship.
Show Date: Oct. 18
Location: Swine/Sheep/Goat Arena
The SC Farm Bureau Federation awards one $1,000 scholarship annually.

During the fair, chickens are housed in the Smallstock Building along with bantams, rabbits, cavies, pigeons, turkeys, waterfowl, and wildlife.
4-H Poultry Showmanship and 4-H Rabbit Showmanship competitions are also held during the fair.
On Exhibit Dates: Oct. 9-20
Location: Smallstock Building

4-H Showmanship
4-H Poultry Showmanship and 4-H Rabbit Showmanship competitions are also held during the fair.
Dates: Saturday, Oct. 12
Location: Academic Avenue Field, behind the racing pigs

Open and Junior Swine Shows are comprised of the following breeds: Berkshire, Commercial Gilt, Duroc, Hampshire, and Yorkshire. Jr Market Hogs are judged on On Foot, Showmanship, Education, Record Book, and Final Placing.
Show Dates:
Jr. Swine & Open Swine: Oct 12-13
Swine Costume Contest: Oct. 13
Jr. Market Hogs: Oct. 15
Location: Swine, Sheep & Goat Barn
The SC Farm Bureau Federation awards one $1,500 scholarship annually.
The SC Pork Board and SC Pork Producers Association awards one $1,000 scholarship annually.

Youth Horse
Public is welcome to watch – Walk/trot arena race, Walk/jog pole bending, Speed event, Hunter Showmanship, Hunter Under Saddle, Hunt Seat Equitation, Western Showmanship, Western Horsemanship, Cross Rails, Hunter over Fences.
Show Dates: Oct. 11-13
Youth Horse South Carolina Costume Contest: Oct. 12
Location: Abernathy Arena