Smallstock Show
President’s Choice Award
Joshua Nuovo, Lexington
Grand Champion of Show
#755 (Old English Game-Wheaten), Joshua Nuovo, Lexington
Reserve Grand Champion of Show
#744 (Old English Game-Blue Wheaten), Joshua Nuovo, Lexington
Junior Champion of Show
#164 (Rose Comb Clean Legged-Blue), Elena Ford, Conway
Junior Reserve Champion of Show
#171 (Single Comb Clean Legged-Plymouth Rocks Buff), Elena Ford, Conway
Rabbit Show

Open Champion, Christy Posey and Nate #729, (Satin Mini-Tortoise)

Open Reserve Champion, Far Right, Catherine Hanson with Crown #102 (Dutch-Black)
Pictured with Tanner and Christy Posey

Junior Champion, Arden Epps and Radish #219 (Champagne D’Argent)
Pictured with Judge Susan Rice
Junior Reserve Champion, Ryder Sites Entry #693, (Polish-Black)