The Fairgrounds is
Your Ideal Venue!
Our facility offers a diverse selection of indoor and outdoor spaces along with customizable options. Whether it’s a large-scale show with a substantial audience, a wedding, or a corporate retreat – we’ve got you covered. Our seasoned team is committed to delivering top-notch service, ensuring your event is nothing short of unforgettable.
Please contact us for more information.
Email or call
Spaces from 2,000 to 40,000 square feet.
40,000 sq ft: Cantey Building
35,000 sq ft: Goodman Building
19,000 sq ft: Moore Building
16,072 sq ft: Ellison Building
10,500 sq ft: Ruff Building
13,114 sq ft: Nutt Cattle Arena
3,900 sq ft: Rosewoods Ballroom
3,800 sq ft: Rosewoods Salons
2,070 sq ft: Palmetto Room
9 acres: Midway
Please note, all decorator/rental companies must first sign an agreement before doing business at the S.C. State Fair. Please contact Brent Shobert (brents@scstatefair.org or 803-851-4623) regarding any questions.
Meet Makayla,
2024 Scholarship Recipient