Top 10 SC State Fair Traditions:
After recently asking fair goers what their favorite traditions are, this is what we heard. Remember, it’s never too late to start a new SC State Fair Tradition.
1. Date Night
So many first dates have happened at the SC State Fair which sparked the tradition of having an annual fair date. Bring your significant other to the fair next year and experience the fair with the one you love.

2. Taking family photos
When you have memories as good as these, you want to remember them forever. A SC State Fair tradition is to take a yearly family photo. Remember to snap a photo each year and compare it to how much you’ve changed from the years before.
3. Eating fair food
It’s no surprise that eating fair food is a favorite tradition. Corn dogs, Fiske fries, gyros, fried mushrooms, elephant ears, turkey ears, and everything in between is one of the many things that keep you coming back to the SC State Fair every year.

4. Feeding the animals
The Commerford and Sons petting zoo is a part of the fair that the whole family loves. These friendly animals love getting attention from your family each year.

5. People watching
Find a nearby bench or even hop on the sky lift and people watch until your heart is content. There are so many smiling faces and friendly people to see at the SC State Fair!
6. Swine races
There’s nothing like friendly competition and cheering on your favorite piglet every year. Come see the swine races daily during the fair in front of the Abernathy Arena
7. Viewing the sand sculpture exhibit
It’s one of our favorite traditions. Each year we sculpt 75 tons of sand into an exhibit you’ll have to see to believe. Come see the sand sculpture next fair season in the Goodman building.

8. Getting milk and cookies
There’s not much that’s more comforting than cold milk and hot chocolate chip cookies. as a SC State Fair Tradition in our Cookie Kitchen. Pro Tip: The same cookies and milk are sold during Carolina Lights, our annual drive-through light show. See
9. Riding rides
A popular tradition is riding all of our fair rides. We have rides for everyone so don’t worry, even if you are afraid of heights, there’s still a ride for you.

10. Meeting your friends and family at the rocket
It’s a phrase that you’ve likely heard since childhood and it’s still relevant today: “Meet me at the Rocket” for another great year of SC State Fair traditions and memories!